Second Hand Book Sale
You can sell your books on consignment (sell your books through the book sale and earn money) at the CGSC Second Hand Book Sale. The CGSC Parents’ Association takes 20% of the sale price as fundraising for the school. We use the Consigncloud software to manage this part of the sale.
We also welcome you to donate your books or donate the money earned from the sale of the books to the PA/school to further support our fundraising.
This year, books will be sold via an online store. Books will be sold at 66% and 33% of the new price depending on condition. For books that require an eBook reactivation code, the cost of the code is deducted from the ‘new book’ price.
If you choose to receive payment for your books, please note that payments will not be made this year. Payments will be made by the end of Term 1 2024.
Please see the information and forms on this page for further details on selling books. Books can be dropped off (with completed forms) to the school office from Thursday 16 November – Thursday 7 December (see Book Sale Information file for further details).
We recommend Junior and Middle School students drop their books from Friday 2 December as books may still be being used in class.
For questions/queries please email